Deicing and anti-icing operations

FAS De-icing is an IS / IT systems for managing aircraft deicing (Aircraft De-icing / anti-icing). This service is based on our system environment FAS.

The need in the management of aircraft deicing is
  • Plan the number of announced tasks based on different scenarios, such as schedule of flights, aircraft type, time, gate or remote.
  • Able to plan and execute orders, on available resources, one or more resource teams. Provide good support for Operations Coordinators to plan properly..
  • Report on the stages of execution with detailed information such as:
  • - Which flight, aircraft registration, aircraft parking..
    - When the task was ordered.
    - Vehicle used and the persons manning the vehicle = resource team.
    - When was the resource in place for the task.
    - When the task began, and was completed.
    - When was deicing release, log times, started / completed.
    - Results of deicing release, free from snow, frost and ice.
    - Number and percentages applicable glycol mixture sparyed.
  • Billing containing detailed information as above.
  • Statistics / reports to client / airports / authorities with details as above.
  • Submit information to other tasks, i.e glycolpickup